

Consultants, Inc.





Contact CACI


CACI provides its clients with a wide range of specialized services. Results are presented clearly and concisely using logically ordered calculations, descriptive narratives, graphics, and summaries tailored to clients' needs. In addition, we take pride in presenting reports to clients and discussing the implications of the results. Below are just a few of the services CACI provides:


  • Reserve Analyses - Estimate ultimate incurred losses for prior policy periods and determine reserves for financial reporting purposes.


  • Loss Projections - Forecast losses for incomplete and future policy periods.


  • Rate/Premium Analyses - Determine the adequacy of rates and premium for upcoming policy periods.


  • Aggregate Loss Probabilty Analyses - Quantify the potential variability of the loss estimates and define appropriate levels of risk retention and policy limits.


  • Relativity Factors - Calculate credit/debits for individuals based on experience in the group.


  • Deductible Credits - Determine premium credit for group members wishing to retain a portion of their exposure.


  • Dividend Programs - Estimate excess funds from underwriting and present pros and cons of distributing pro rata or based on experience.


  • Regulatory Assistance - Assist with rate filings, statutory accounting issues, reserve certifications, dividend requests.


  • Captive and Self-Insurance Feasibility Analyses


  • Excess Insurance Evaluations


  • Evaluation of Administrative Policies and Other Operations


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For more information, e-mail Ed Costner